Palm Hammer
Palm Hammer
SuperMAX roofing nailer for fastening ThermoFin
Hitachi 16 ga pneumatic staple gun
Deburring Tool
Self drilling screws
Self drilling screws
Pneumatic palm hammer PEX install
Radiant Design & Supply, Inc. (formerly Radiant Engineering Inc), in Bozeman, Montana, manufactures and supplies ThermoFin extruded aluminum heat transfer plates. We supply high performance boilers and all the components you would need for a hydronic radiant heating system. We specialize in radiant heating, energy conservation, solar energy, and technical assistance for contractors and do-it-yourself homeowners. Our services include mechanical system planning and consulting, mechanical system pre-fabrication, system troubleshooting and service, and hydronic system rehabilitation.
Confused by all the heat transfer plates on the market? Read "Why ThermoFin" for a product comparison.
Hydronic Radiant Systems
Radiant Floor Heating
ThermoFin Plates & Supplies
Hydronic Heating & Cooling
Solar Thermal
Passive Solar
Panel Radiators