Follow the highlighted links below to read more details about ThermoFin extruded aluminum heat transfer plates. ThemoFin C and ThinFin C are installed under the sub-floor. ThermoFin U is installed on top of the sub-floor and in walls and ceilings.
ThermoFin and ThinFin plate prices are based on the price of aluminum, which is subject to change. Contact us for prices and for a freight estimate. Plates are lengths of 8 ft and 4 ft and are sold by the box (20 in a box).
Use this formula to determine how many plates to order:
If there are closets, counters, cupboards, refrigerator, etc., under which you do not intend to install radiant heating, subtract that area from the square footage. To convert square feet to the linear feet of tubing you’ll need: if installed 8" on center, multiply by 1.5; if 6" on center, multiply by 2. Subtract 10% from this figure to determine the approximate linear feet of heat transfer plates. Divide by either 8 or 4 (plate length in feet) for the quantity of plates. Divide the quantity of plates by 20 for the quantity of boxes. We generally do not sell partial boxes.

The original heavy gauge heat transfer extrusion 4" wide x .0625" thick for installation under the sub-floor

The original heavy gauge heat transfer extrusion 4" wide x .0625" thick for installation under the sub-floor

Economical C shaped extrusion - excellent performance 3.5" wide x .050" thick for installation under the sub-floor

Economical C shaped extrusion - excellent performance 3.5" wide x .050" thick for installation under the sub-floor

U shaped extrusion for over the sub-floor, wall and ceiling applications 4" wide x .050" thick

U shaped extrusion for over the sub-floor, wall and ceiling applications 4" wide x .050" thick

John lives in upstate New York and recommends heat transfer plates in floor heating applications because of their reliable performance when the temperatures drop in cold climates.

Comparative R-values of Flooring PDF

Request FREE SAMPLES or BUY THERMOFIN through our contact page.

MDO Plywood Return Bends

return_bends_website copy.jpg
ThinFin C Extruded Aluminum Heat Transfer Plates Installed Between Joists

ThinFin C Extruded Aluminum Heat Transfer Plates Installed Between Joists

Example of ThermoFin U and Return Bends Installation

Example of ThermoFin U and Return Bends Installation

Install PEX return bends with ThermoFin U

Install PEX return bends with ThermoFin U


ThermoFin Heat Transfer Plates are proudly made in the USA.


A Montana Home with ThermoFin U Installed for Radiant Heating

A Montana Home with ThermoFin U Installed for Radiant Heating


Add insulation to the ThermoFin radiant installation without touching the insulation to the plates. Batting should be installed with a gap between the insulation and the plates and sub-floor. The white baffles in the illustrations below indicate insulation.

Use the shorter length hardwood flooring nails to avoid puncturing radiant floor heating installations when installing wood flooring. The graphic below is a guide for nail lengths.

Wood floor installers should use nails that will not penetrate the bottom of the sub-floor.  Use ThermoFin, a better heat transfer plate for your installations. ThermoFin will give you better heat transfer, using lower supply water temperatures, which in turn leads to lower fuel bills.

Below are some of the instructional videos on the Radiant Design & Supply Youtube channel.  Click on each image to start the video and visit our channel for more.

Here is a page of customer's projects using ThermoFin heat transfer plates. ...Read More